Central Park is a unique, genre bending thriller/horror film that spans one night in the worlds most famous park. Six best friends, high school students, prepare for a night of fun. School is boring, family life unbearable, and Harold and his friends have turned Central Park into their spot. Young and invincible; Harold and his crew own this city. Unbeknownst to them, a revenge-seeking executioner prepares to kill them off one by one to pay for the sins of the father.
《加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪》影评 整整等了四年,晚上跑往怀着冲动的表情看首映,片子快竣事时,看到巴博萨剑指前方,嘴里爆着我们熟习调子的粗口,我想说:welcome backp irates不能不说,加勒比的魅力,午夜首映上座达百分六十而四在零丁拉出系列片后我想说,完善!由杰克,巴布萨,黑胡子,英,西班牙,人鱼这六方权势给我们创作发明的这一跌荡放诞升沉的剧情相当让人过瘾。